Second Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
This scripture has always been and will forever be one of my favorite scriptures. It is a verse, I believe, that summarizes the love story between God and humans. It is a verse that holds the very roots of the redemption story. And it is also a verse that is easier said than done.
We have been called to a life of sanctity, a life of purity, a life of love and a life worthy of emulation. We are Christians, pace-setters and rebellious to the world.
We have been chosen by God himself to bear His mark and to show forth His excellence, but why do we usually end up hiding the light that the Lord has given us? Why do we end up living a life of conformity? Why do we conform to the ways of the world?
I believe the answer is very simple. We live in a materialistic world, we are constantly surrounded by fake people whose selfish desires know no limits. I dare say that we constantly find ourselves in the rat race dominated by individualistic and self-gratifying people.
But more importantly, we live in a world whose standards are set in a sinful nature, one that favors achievements and individuals rather than a holistic approach. A world that is owned by the devil himself.
The very nature of sin is delicious. Like freshly baked cookies, it lures you and sets a trap so irresistible that you will willingly fall into it. It appeals to the very core of our flesh, and because most of the world does not resist their flesh like we are called to, it becomes easier to justify our sin.
Many of us have high aspirations in life. Some of these goals were set by us, and some by our parents. Some of them were influenced by friends, while some were influenced by family; some were even influenced by God through men of His. Some want to become mighty men of God, evangelists, successful business people and world leaders, while others simply want to go wherever the wind blows them.
We must look to Christ in all things, because even if we achieve all our heart’s desires, if He is not the focal point of our lives, it will all be worthless. We are expected to crucify our flesh, fast the things that are keeping us away from God, fast the “gods” in your life.
Give up the lies, give away the clothes, give away the stuff and clutter, desist from the language of the world and hold fast to God’s language: forgiveness.
Our God is a jealous God, and He only uses people who long for Him, and SHOW Him that they long for Him. It’s not by the words of the mouth, but by actions. Do not be fooled; God is not mocked.
He knows the desires of your heart, but if you are not willing to show publicly these godly affections, then they are worthless. No wonder Paul says, “Let us not only be hearers, but also doers of the word.”
You should not need to tell people you are a Christian, they should be able to recognize it in you. If you live a life where the people around you are not positively influenced by your faith in Christ, then you need to buck up and identify the problems.
We are a holy nation, a peculiar people, a people called out of the darkness of this world into the light and purity of God. Stand up today for your faith.
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