Sunday, January 31, 2010

First post of the year :)

Genesis 2: 15 Says: “Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”

This scripture shows me that the first thing God gave man was not a wife, neither was it a name, rather it was a responsibility: a task to take care of the Garden of Eden and everything in it. I believe that this is the same way it is with our time.

God has given each and every one of us responsibilities: He has given us tasks to take care of the gardens that are around us. We are to take care of the gift the Lord has placed in us, we are to take care of our friends and families, and we are to take care of whatever we engage ourselves in.

This is a new year, a new season, and a fresh start to a new decade. As Christians, we have been called to a place of excellence. We are, as Paul said, an army. This army is one that is called to purity, that has been set apart from this world, this army is a holy nation, a royal priesthood, and has been mandated to declare the glory of the true God. This army is one that looks not at the pleasures or the momentary satisfaction of the world, but rather at the eternal crown that the Lord places on each and every one of his faithful warriors.

It is indeed a fresh start, a time to reprioritize and make new resolutions. The New Year carries responsibilities, it brings new problems, and it gives us more to do in the gardens that God has given us.

This army of God does not have ranks, rather it has callings. Some are called to be doctors, others to be lawyers, preachers, evangelists, worship leaders, businessmen and businesswomen, while others are called to be teachers and even Janitors. The truth about it is that no matter where we find ourselves, we must fulfill our callings whole-heartedly, and with a spirit of excellence.

Again in Genesis, His word makes me understand that even though Joseph was in prison, he excelled there and later became a chief advisor to the king. In Acts, I see that Paul and Silas were so excellent in their worship in prison, that an earthquake occurred, and an angel was sent to their rescue.

A wise man once said “The richest place on earth is the grave” Why? Because it is full of people with untapped potentials, it is full of unrealized dreams and wasted ambitions; it is full of untilled gardens.

We have each been given dreams, and purposes in life, but like a garden needs to be tilled, and the seeds need to be planted and cultivated in order for the garden to be fruitful, so we must cultivate and nurture these dreams that have been placed in us.

For many of us, this semester is a fresh start to prove to not only ourselves but also our friends and parents, that we can be successful in Life. It is a time to honor God’s call in our lives. It is a time to prove to the devil that he is not in control of our lives, and must submit to the authority that God has given us as members of His army through the name of Jesus. It is a time to begin work in our gardens.

Let us strive for perfection, even as Christ is perfect. Let us cultivate the gardens the Lord has given us, Let us walk in excellence and boldness, knowing that our father’s angels are right beside us. Let us be strong in faith and slow to anger. Let us run the good race.


p.s Many Regards to Mayowa Obayomi who I borrowed some quotes from. :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Almost Spring?

My Fave:
i love the everything he's wearing: the blue cardigan, the rolled up pants, and most esp. the shoes!! Yes!!

Notice the short shorts with the blazer, and converse's... You gatta have great legs to rock this look... Warning!!

This is the new J-Crew photoshoot:

Personally, I love cardigans with shorts during the spring. It just has that elegant yet casual look.
I also recently got some blue sperry's thats I intend to wear asap!! Sperrys are just so freaking comfortable. I would recommend them to everyone!
Be sure to check out the nearest mall for some kickin clothes!!

Kind Regards,

Monday, December 14, 2009

I love the very essence of burberry.. Its clean, fresh and looks good on everyone...
But Like Louis Vuitton, its very expensive.. (Not for the average shopper like me)..
Well, maybe someday...
I was recently browsing through burberry's new showcase site: and I could not help but be amazed by the portraits I saw. Pls Enjoy:

And finally, My Favorite of all the shots:

I need to get me a trench coat.. ASAP



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Challenge Yourself

Second Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

This scripture has always been and will forever be one of my favorite scriptures. It is a verse, I believe, that summarizes the love story between God and humans. It is a verse that holds the very roots of the redemption story. And it is also a verse that is easier said than done.

We have been called to a life of sanctity, a life of purity, a life of love and a life worthy of emulation. We are Christians, pace-setters and rebellious to the world.

We have been chosen by God himself to bear His mark and to show forth His excellence, but why do we usually end up hiding the light that the Lord has given us? Why do we end up living a life of conformity? Why do we conform to the ways of the world?

I believe the answer is very simple. We live in a materialistic world, we are constantly surrounded by fake people whose selfish desires know no limits. I dare say that we constantly find ourselves in the rat race dominated by individualistic and self-gratifying people.

But more importantly, we live in a world whose standards are set in a sinful nature, one that favors achievements and individuals rather than a holistic approach. A world that is owned by the devil himself.

The very nature of sin is delicious. Like freshly baked cookies, it lures you and sets a trap so irresistible that you will willingly fall into it. It appeals to the very core of our flesh, and because most of the world does not resist their flesh like we are called to, it becomes easier to justify our sin.

Many of us have high aspirations in life. Some of these goals were set by us, and some by our parents. Some of them were influenced by friends, while some were influenced by family; some were even influenced by God through men of His. Some want to become mighty men of God, evangelists, successful business people and world leaders, while others simply want to go wherever the wind blows them.

We must look to Christ in all things, because even if we achieve all our heart’s desires, if He is not the focal point of our lives, it will all be worthless. We are expected to crucify our flesh, fast the things that are keeping us away from God, fast the “gods” in your life.

Give up the lies, give away the clothes, give away the stuff and clutter, desist from the language of the world and hold fast to God’s language: forgiveness.

Our God is a jealous God, and He only uses people who long for Him, and SHOW Him that they long for Him. It’s not by the words of the mouth, but by actions. Do not be fooled; God is not mocked.

He knows the desires of your heart, but if you are not willing to show publicly these godly affections, then they are worthless. No wonder Paul says, “Let us not only be hearers, but also doers of the word.”

You should not need to tell people you are a Christian, they should be able to recognize it in you. If you live a life where the people around you are not positively influenced by your faith in Christ, then you need to buck up and identify the problems.

We are a holy nation, a peculiar people, a people called out of the darkness of this world into the light and purity of God. Stand up today for your faith.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama’s visit to Africa

I presume it is now stale news that our very own pride: the Black man who has defied all odds, surpassed even the wildest dreams of the oppressed black Americans, and the fruition of the turmoil’s of the great blacks in history, Barack “the pace-setter” Obama, has finally visited Africa: his supposed “home-continent”.

But He did not come to solicit with world powers, or bring aid to our “desperate” nations; rather he came to deliver “the speech of speeches,” a speech abundantly flowing with allusions to the corruption, and poltical instability of our great continent Africa. Indeed He visited only one country out of the fifty-something African countries. President Obama went to neither the great nations of Africa nor his “roots- Kenya”, rather he went to the tiny country called Ghana.

Trust Nigerians to live up to expectation: Talk about his boycott of our “important” country began. Rumors were flying all over the place, and the media had a field day. All sorts of comments were made: even the illiterate ones felt like they had some sort of imaginary bone to pick with President Obama. But wait, have we stopped to analyze the significance of his visit to a nation that was virtually unknown ten to fifteenyears ago? Have we caught ourselves and thought “Why would he ignore countries like Kenya, South Africa, and so on?” Have we stopped to read the implications of his actions? Well, I have.

Ghana Ghana Ghana: A nation blessed with productive, hardworking people filled with humility, justice and kindness, a nation which Nigeria still supplies electricity, has within a few years managed to transform its very obscure public image. Through Hard work and strong conviction, the leaders of this nation have managed to celebrate 10 years of stable democracy, years of stable electricity, and so on: A feat that no other African country, save South Africa, has managed to achieve. Even Obama applauded their perseverance, and determination to fight corruption, labeling them as “a model for other African countries to follow.” Our very own Nobel Laureate, The Professor Wole Soyinka, very publicly expressed his support of Obama’s choice, and then went on to lament (as usual) the deplorable state of our nation: the “Giant of Africa.” He even went as far saying that He would have “stoned” Obama if he had come here. Why lend support to a nation whose leaders are not willing to help it?

Within the last 7 years, political office holders in Nigeria have received (spent) over 100 billion dollars. This is a nation in which the political office holders dip their hands into treasury like it is their personal account. This is a country in which corruption is skyrocketing, and one has to be careful not to step on the wrong toes: this could cause a chain reaction of disastrous failures. This is a country where electricity is so erratic that the people have stopped complaining: Generators have become our means of surviving the stress of Nigerian life. This is a country where even the Local government chairman on assumption of office, changes his address from Number 250 ordinary street to Number 1 affluent close, and changes his car to the latest BMW model. We are a corrupt nation, and it is now so deeply entrenched in us that these atrocities are no longer committed in secret, but rather in broad daylight.

But there is hope, or is there? We are a unique nation, blessed with divine intelligence. We are smart, sharp, and know our stuff. Most of us excel in our chosen fields of study, bagging awards wherever we go, making giant strides in our fields. But all of us are being snatched up by companies in greener pastures, we are all mostly working abroad, and even those in Nigeria are looking for ways to leave Nigeria. My fear is that by the time we realize that Nigeria is not for us, but rather for our legacy (the youth), it may be too late to amend our ways.

Forgive me, I have digressed. What is my synopsis? It is only commonsensical that President Obama chose to visit with tiny Ghana, a country that if care is not taken, would dethrone Nigeria from its “Giant of Africa” position. Even he, in his speech, conceded that one of the reasons why he visited Ghana was because it had stable democracy, and was making giant strides. Nigerians in all parts of the world hear my plea: We must stand together and fight against our very own leaders who are devouring our resources. We must fight for Nigeria to become a better place for our legacy. We must unite!!! We must!

More power to your elbows, our very own Obama.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Love: The essence of Life

Love is a gift that has been bestowed to each and every one of us. However some people have been robbed of the gift to love. They have put so much trust, faith, and love in the people around them, only to be let down over and over again. Some have had their loves snatched away from them by the cold hands of death. Some have undergone so many unfortunate incidents, and have experienced the horrible side of men too many times to give love a chance. Don’t get me wrong. I think that such people have every right to be angry at their situations, and the people who caused them so much grief. But in the end, what gain do they get from holding grudges? What purpose does it serve? Indeed Forgiveness is not for the other person, but rather it is for you.

Most people are so angry at these unfortunate circumstances that it ends up clouding every decision they make. Doors of opportunity open right before their eyes, but they refuse to walk through them because of the hurt that they might have experienced earlier. Others simply feel that by not walking through those doors, they are repaying all the “sorrow-causers” in their lives. Some others are just too scared to walk through them.

My advice?

Wise up. We only have one life to live. Take the most of it. Rome was not built in a day. Great men are not born, they are made. Grab every opportunity that comes your way, find whatever work your hands can do, be adventurous, and experience life to its fullest. Never give up and don’t give in to your sad situation. Love one another, Love your life, and Love yourself.


My Favorite pieces of Spring 2010 runway shows

Amidst all the different designs, styles, and beautiful creations of exclusive designers, I felt somewhat drawn to but a few. All the others? Some were hilarious, some were too tight fitting (only for extra skinny models), some were plain stupid, while others looked like pieces of junk sewed together.

Salvatore Ferragamo
Salvatore Ferragamo

Roberto Cavalli: I absolutely love this jacket!

Dolce & Gabbana: Fresh, unique, yet rugged.

Bottogna Veneta: My personal pick
