Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Love: The essence of Life

Love is a gift that has been bestowed to each and every one of us. However some people have been robbed of the gift to love. They have put so much trust, faith, and love in the people around them, only to be let down over and over again. Some have had their loves snatched away from them by the cold hands of death. Some have undergone so many unfortunate incidents, and have experienced the horrible side of men too many times to give love a chance. Don’t get me wrong. I think that such people have every right to be angry at their situations, and the people who caused them so much grief. But in the end, what gain do they get from holding grudges? What purpose does it serve? Indeed Forgiveness is not for the other person, but rather it is for you.

Most people are so angry at these unfortunate circumstances that it ends up clouding every decision they make. Doors of opportunity open right before their eyes, but they refuse to walk through them because of the hurt that they might have experienced earlier. Others simply feel that by not walking through those doors, they are repaying all the “sorrow-causers” in their lives. Some others are just too scared to walk through them.

My advice?

Wise up. We only have one life to live. Take the most of it. Rome was not built in a day. Great men are not born, they are made. Grab every opportunity that comes your way, find whatever work your hands can do, be adventurous, and experience life to its fullest. Never give up and don’t give in to your sad situation. Love one another, Love your life, and Love yourself.


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